Alliance News Network Recants Story, Apologizes For Any Inconveniences Caused By Mistake

Year 11 Day 123

The Alliance News Network released an emergency report out this morning, recanting the special report “Kran Chan Betrays Alliance” that was put out yesterday morning. According to the ANN President, the story was broke by a young reporter who was trying to make his mark. While some bits of the story were correct, such as the presence of an Alliance Member aboard Siejo Kutol’s ship, and the Hoersch-Kessel Drive Leadership not being in the faction, everything about Kran Chan and looting was found to be completely false. Vice-Magistrate Chan was deeply offended, especially at thought of him saying “CA Sucks” as suggested by the article, but has stated that he will not pursue a civil suit against the reporter or against the station for running the story. Chief Magistrate Kutol was contacted about the incident and was quoted as saying, “Kran Chan is Krantastic! He would never do such a thing.” Unfortunately, some of the other command was not as lucky. Reading the story, some lower level defense forces apprehended Interior Minster Da`jek, who was severally beating and tazed by the group in order to get truth out of him. The interrogations were stopped before they got too far, when Da`jek admitted everything. He was released from holding later when the news story was recanted. The Defense personnel who took part in the apprehension and interrogation have been reprimanded for their actions.