Confederate Bounties

Confederacy of Independent Systems is responsible for keeping its people and its space safe.  As such, It has the responsibility to issue a bounty and or warrant on sentients for committing crimes against the faction or its Alliance.  The Confederacy also co-sponsors bounties against those who had its allies in the Interstellar League.  Bounties are paid at time of delivery of either the Criminal or the Criminal ear to Confederate Space.  If the Criminal is delivered alive, the bounty is doubled.  If you have any questions, please contact the CIS Head of State.  Below is a list of people that CIS listed public bounties for:

 Date Enacted NameReason AmountWanted Status
Year 12 Day 305 Brazi Viro Looting of HKD  5,000,000 Dead or AliveDEAD
Bounty Collected 
Year 13 Day 055Ress Wain  Stealing from the Confederacy.  Murder 150,000,000 Alive  Active
Year 13 Day 075 Shotan Turok Looting and Dissolving Andromeda Armory 250,000,000 Dead or Alive DEAD
Bounty Collected
Year 13 Day 156Hans YondPiracy, Conspiracy to Commit Murder, Breach of the peace, Extortion250,000,000 Dead or Alive Active
Year 14 Day 050Zalabar HithroBlackmail/Extortion, Murder, Treason, Bribery, Suborning Treason, Kidnapping, Spying, Unlawful detention100,000,000AliveDEAD
Bounty Collected
Year 18 Day 173 Shall TiMurder of Elm Aran, Looting500,000,000Alive Active
Year 21 Day 030 Zebak RomaConspiracy to Undermine the Government, Commit Murder, Extortion50,000,000 Dead or Alive DEAD
Bounty Collected 
Year 21 Day 355  Hanzo Thurith Piracy, Kidnapping, Extortion 250,000,000Alive  Bounty Collected
 Year 21 Day 355  Alessandro De Caito Kidnaping, Extortion Murder 250,000,000Dead or Alive   Active 
 Year 21 Day 355  Dain Thurith Piracy, Kidnapping, Extortion  250,000,000  Dead or Alive  Active