Confederate Ranks and Benefits

The Confederacy was at one time made up of many different layers of ranks. Since Year 22, the Confederacy has gradually phased these out in favour of bandings. This has allowed the Confederacy to become a flexible government, less concerned with pre-defined boundaries of where someone works, but rather has allowed the Confederacy to be adaptable to changes.

Why join the CIS?

  • Our Community – We are an active community that will set you up with everything you need in the Star Wars Combine
  • Our Experience – We have one of the most experienced combat forces in the game, want to learn space combat? We got you covered. Want to shoot bandits? We can help with that. Want to learn how to mine, produce, build? We have plenty of opportunities to learn from us.
  • Universal Healthcare – We will cover all access to medical items and cybernetic operations. Be the buffed sentient you want to be!
  • We pay salaries weekly – Unlike other groups that make you work for a monthly pay, we run our payroll weekly so that you always have access to credits. The more experienced you are, the more you make. We also pay out bonuses for participation in community events and showdowns!

Joining the Confederacy will unlock access to a world of opportunities and prospects for your character. We are very friendly and very helpful and we take great care to look after our members through regular community events.