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Year Day Time
15 55 05:43:

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Recent events in Mondress has seen a disaster for the global population. Due to the sprawling nature of the planets cities, a large global network was require for use due to heavy reliance on off world imports of waters to start up the system. Maintaining such a system has proven expensive and has drawn on much of the planets taxation resources in order to maintain the quality of life style on such a central figure of the CIS governmental authority.
However, local government funding was cut for other projects and saw a deterioration of maintenance on several key parts of the system. While they believed the structure could handle the reduced work and growing strain, their estimates fell short and a main cistern and several minor systems burst open, emptying out large amounts of water into the clouds below. While work has been intense to replace this lost water and repair the system, it has led to tough times across the planet.

CA Built Taber Transporting desalinated Sea water from Glom Tho IV

Due to the global nature of this,
the loss of so much water has caused reduced pressure and resulted in service lost to various parts of the planet. The response to this has resulted in enforcing water conservation policies on the people, regulating how much they could use and fining those who ignored these regulations. While this has eased the burden somewhat, it has caused growing dissent even as repairs were sped along; until finally the simmering population burst open like the cistern had before.

Protests in all major government centers quickly turned into riots as tension became strained among many of the populace especially the aquatics feeling the water shortage the most and other populations calling their shares unfair. The protesters turned in on themselves, breaking out into brawls first between social and species groups then into a city wide riot. Damage occurred on large scale and the police forces of the world were unable to contain the violence.

While the damage can be repaired, an uneasy calm has resettled on Mondress, one can only wonder if they will succeed in remedying this before another spark ignites this pile of unstable Nova dust.

Confederate Armed Forces called in to quell the unrest will remain in the system while legislators pondered on how long a planet wide curfew must remain in effect.


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