Mysterious Tactical Droid Cache Uncovered in Vahaba Asteroid Belt!

Year 25 Day 203

The war for intelligence is often fought behind closed doors. Operatives reporting secretly about troop movement and technology to their shady overlords.  Through the effort of one operative from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, at least one clandestine operation has been identified and halted.

According to internal reports, Driza Lar, a hard working member of the CIS military, was visiting a local merchant station in the Vahaba Asteroid Belt when he identified a mysterious signal on this datapad. Upon further investigation, Mr. Lar was able to identify a large crate of over 500 Tactical Droids, owned by none other than the Magistrate of the South, Siejo Kutol. The droids, according to records, were marked for decommission but instead seemed to be just sitting in the restricted section of the ship.

The station, a Merchant Space Dock owned by Koensayr Manufacturing, was open to all, but blast doors prevented access to the rest of the station.  The Vahaba asteroid field, while Koensayr territory, falls under the governmental protection of the government of Mandalore. Representatives of the CIS immediately reached out to Raptor Cardel, Leader of Koensayr Manufacturing, who was surprised by this inquiary and raised concerns on a rogue AI construct as the primary suspect. According to the records from the station, the cargo container was a mystery. There did not appear to be a shipping manifest and any particular hint as to how this cache of droids found their way to the trade station. 

Mr. Cardel was quick to assist, granting access to restricted areas of the station to aid in the search for more misplaced technology.  Mr. Lar was able to access the restricted areas of the station and found even more oddities, including multiple other caches of Tactical droids, beyond what the CIS owned.

One may ask why would someone hoard CIS decommissioned Tactical droids and store them in a restricted area on a Koensayr Station?  “Tactical droid intel has tremendous value.” reported one unidentified droid mechanic when asked, “throughout the clone wars the units were deployed not only to learn from our enemy but to perfect our strategy.  In the wrong hands, they could have leaked classified information critical to someone looking to harm us.” 

As far as likely suspects, Outside of Mr.Cardel’s “Rouge AI”, some speculate that it could have been an unidentified infiltrator, or even going back to the raid by Hanzo Thuritna and the Emerald Ring. Others theorize that it could have been former Triumvirate member Sion Plagueis, who brought them over at some point, but this was quickly refuted by leadership.

After working through some bugs in the system, the CIS owned crates were loading up onto a YT 2000 WickedWench and were soon moved back to Separatist Space for further investigation.