Anti-Piracy Operations Conducted

Y25 D230

Officials from the Ministry of Defense confirmed this week that several anti-piracy operations were conducted across Confederate space, involving the First and Third Fleet.

After the Confederacy’s alert protocols activated when a hospital was attacked on Tar Morden III and later a training academy, defense protocols kicked in and all facilities were locked down preventing further death to Confederate personnel. Officers from the first fleet rallied to Tar Morden III to locate the criminal Leland Thrakkun of the Son-Tuul Pride controlled Black Nebula Corsairs. After finding him outside the city, Leland fled the scene and evaded capture.

Analysts from Bureau 4 concluded that Leland may have found attacking civilians to be an equal match compared to fighting the Separatist Military and that his erratic behavior showed an indication of mental illness as his attacks were sporadic and hours apart. Son-Tuul Pride however disagreed with this analysis, declaring the murder of two off-duty personnel and the destruction of two droids to be a major victory. Analysts from Bureau 4 disagree as to whether the increasing megalomania and decreasing grasp of reality by Son-Tuul Pride leader Bork Shalas is due to a crippling spice addiction, or due to a fractured psyche in response to Ximaro Jix removing him as the head of the Zann Consortium mere days after he assumed the throne. 

Former Chief Magistrate of the Corporate Alliance Cal Armuntar was giving a tour to a small group of cadets from the CIS Academy of Castle Tar Morden after the attack when they were alerted of what appeared to be Corporate Alliance Droids acting a little suspiciously. Upon Further investigation, this group of droids was uncovered to be reprogramed infiltrators. Why these droids were on Tar Morden was unclear, but some speculated that these droids were units smuggled in by Leland Thrakkun during their incursion.

Mr. Armunatarl and his cadets cornered these rouge droids and began systematically reprogramming them with his blaster. With assistance from Officer Saiko Nagazi, the group was able to quickly dispatch all of the rogue droids. 

In response to this attack, the Confederacy has been involved in anti-piracy raids across CIS space. It is reported that a YT-2000, personally owned by Ximaro Jix, was destroyed in the Petabys region, along with 58 military-grade droids discovered on Coveway. In addition, Son-Tuul saboteurs were found to be onboard stations with Morobe and were quickly dispatched, with reports claiming that Son-Tuul abandoned them once they got reports of fighting occurring on the stations. Officials have also stated that all seized items currently locked away will be claimed and redistributed to support wider anti-piracy efforts.

“Currently the CIS is involved in galaxy-wide discussions with regional partners to tighten cross-communication against criminal and pirate activity. Those who align themselves with criminal elements can expect to find no safe harbor as the Confederacy seeks to employ a series of measures to limit criminal activities.” stated one government official.