Trade Stuck in Neutral: Hire the Galaxy’s BEST Conciliator

The galaxy was stunned when a massive 25 planet 3-way trade was announced last month between the Tenloss Syndicate, Mandalore and Krath.  The trade was massive, complex and seemed to manifest from thin air. Behind the scenes however, the trade was almost a month of exhausting work as all sides worked to maximize their return. In the aftermath, all three groups viewed the exchange as a huge success, with consolidations of systems around existing territory. 

Now another large trade is being rumored, potentially involving Mandalore, the Exchange and Endless Endeavors and there seems to be one consistent piece; a Galactic Real Estate Conciliator.

Much like someone looking to sell their beautiful beach-side Semi-Detached house, sometimes it’s better to hire a realtor and a professional stager to make the house look as appealing as possible. A Concilliator’s job is to not only help identify potential trade opportunities for their client, but also facilitate negotiations to ensure every client’s main focus is represented within trade discussions.

“The goals these days are usually the same and involve consolidation of territory. While many voice a desire to consolidate, this is a difficult market.”  explained Siejo Kutol, a licensed conciliatory and galactic market coneseure. “Planets and systems are not as easy to come by as they were in the past, where an entrepreneur could come in with a pile of credits and sway the local population to their cause. These days, typically planetary magistrates want more than just credits to sway the opinion of the local populace.”  

Mr. Kutol is statistically correct. Most recent press releases involving changes to planetary government have involved either one corporation merging into another, or the exchange of rare assets (technology, territory) and not only credits.

“The endorsement of the previous regime has become very important, and those costs continue to escalate.” Mr. Kutol went on, when asked to describe the current market trends. “Recently, a territory swap seems to be the going price in exchange for an endorsement from the incoming government. If one party wants to acquire control of planets or systems in neighboring sectors, expect to be relinquishing control elsewhere.”

The role of a Conciliator is not necessarily new, but a licensed practitioner offering the service to the entire galaxy publicly is a newer trend. How does one get into such a high profile and high risk position?  

“I find the nuances of the negotiation thrilling and have been honing my skills for decades.” Siejo said, with a broad smile on his face. “While serving as Head of State for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, I worked tirelessly to represent a haven to put aside past differences and move forward in a manner that is the most beneficial for all of the Systems under our jurisdiction. This was not always an easy task, having to work at finding creative solutions that are not always easily apparent to either side, and my role as a Conciliator mirrors this. After the First Galactic War, many saw my Government in a negative light and we were  relatively land locked in the few remaining Separatist Systems.

As we slowly worked to repair our reputation and continued to grow, we needed to rally more systems to our cause, otherwise we had more or less “hit a ceiling”.  I had to negotiate multiple system transitions, including Binquarous, Serpine, Ord Radama, Ruuria and more. I later worked with the Krath Empire and Galactic Empire to transition to Shili and Camden. Slowly our influence spread, but it gave me the experience to be able to become one of the best Conciliators in the Galaxy. Our biggest and most challenging swap involved working with the Trade Federation when we were able to acquire a large swath of territory in the South-West which we now call home.”

Mr. Kutol continued, “Only recently have I branched out and offered these services to the galaxy as a whole and so far, I feel like I have received good feedback. It takes a ton of time, talking to multiple parties and finding quite a few dead ends, but there is always a way out there.  The trick is being persistent and finding it. Much of it seems to come from mutual respect. I have worked as a public servant for decades, at one point being a “reputable” middleman on the galactic scale.” 

When asked how he deals with the dead-ends and failures, Mr. Kutol said, “When things fall through, it can be difficult. Some of my peers do not seem to appreciate the art of being in arbitration; seeing it as a waste of mental effort. I simply disagree.”

Either way, several recent studies have suggested hiring a licensed conciliator provides broader exposure for the property and increases the chances of a quick sale with maximum profit. Conciliators have access to extensive networks of potential buyers and can list properties on multiple platforms, greatly expanding the pool of potential buyers. They excel at negotiating trades and can save the seller time and effort.

As another large trade prepares to close, Conciliator Kutol likely again will find his slate open. If you, or a government you represent, is looking to consolidate territory, please contact the office of Siejo Kutol to set up an appointment to review your options.