Galactic Drama: Scrapper Guild Leader Missing, Found in Chic Boutique!

Volume 2 – Year 26

Tempers flared and rumors swirled throughout Separatist Space when the charismatic leader of the Scrapper Guild, By the Grace of Jou, Supreme Scrap Ondoron Bondoon, was reported missing yesterday. The drama unfolded as the Eta-2 ship assigned to His Grace returned to port without its ward.

Security forces immediately feared the worst, and the atmosphere grew tense. Panic ensued, with fears of foul play and a possible abduction by a rival political party taking center stage. Reporters were quick to jump on the story, speculating that His Grace Bondoon had been captured in a brazen political move by the Green Glasses Party.

However, just when the tension seemed unbearable, the twist in this story came to light. His Grace Ondoron Bondoon was later found safe and sound, shopping at a high-end women’s clothing boutique. The enigmatic leader was spotted among the racks, seemingly unbothered by the chaos his absence had sparked. With the local festival to the Fertility Gods of the local Heep-Heep on the horizon, His Grace felt it a priority to prepare for the upcoming festivities.

Sources close to His Grace Bondoon report that the guild leader, known for his eclectic tastes and unorthodox methods, had simply decided to take a brief shopping detour, unaware of the frenzy he had caused. According to his escort, he was fixated on obtaining the necessary garb and gift for the festivities.  The Fertility Festival is famous throughout the region, with several ancient traditions that have been observed by the Heep-Heep for centuries. With the erection of a carved tree in the shape of the Fertility God, the traditional dance begins and gifts are exchanged. 

When asked about his shopping excursion, Ondoron responded sharply, “Sometimes a man just needs a bit of alone time. Security detail doesn’t need to know about every moment of my day.” When asked about the panic that ensued, Mr. Bondoon replied, “I certainly didn’t intend any panic.  We live in perfect harmony with the Heep-Heeps, Scrapper Guild has provided them with their very own city after all. There’s no need to suspect any political wrongdoing. The festival will continue as planned – in fact I’m meeting with the Heep-Heep organiser later tonight to has out some details.”

While the local leadership breathes a collective sigh of relief, this unexpected twist in His Grace’s day is sure to be the talk of the CIS for some time to come. Live-Streaming of the Fertility Festival will be available on the local Shadowfeed.