BD-1237 Wins in Landslide Victory for AUP

Year 26 Day 100

The results are in and BD-1237 “Munch” has won the special election for Governor of Hassaria III in a landslide. Promising to bring sensibility back to the region, Munch appealed to the native Hassarias and non-organic voters alike. This is the second major win for the Automation Unity Party (AUP) in the last year. 

During the acceptance speech, Munch reiterated his commitment to projects slated for completion within the first 100 days, including transitioning factories on Hassaria III back to droid production and supporting those affected by the negative consequences of violent political rallies. The factories in question are rumored to have transitioned to producing fighters intended for sale on the market to make up for budget shortfalls. AUP leadership believes the move was not economically motivated but intended to limit the ever-expanding non-organic populations in the Hassarian System. Economic analysts are closely monitoring the Hassarian System’s credit values, as the AUP’s push to restart droid production has caused sharp credit declines in some corporate sectors.

Security risks still exist, and many are quick to recall the last Droid Governor who was only able to serve 1 day before being assassinated.  Governor-elect Munch plans to have a full detail with at least 6 BX-series droid commandos at all times, led by BX-1123869.T his move comes amidst growing concerns about potential instability following the AUP’s recent electoral victory. “We are committed to restoring economic equality and ensuring the safety of all citizens.” The Commando Droid told reports, when asked about the change in duty. “These security measures are necessary to protect the Governor from those who seek to undermine our progress.”

When asked about future plans for office, outside of the governorship, Munch did not deny the appeal of larger offices, stating the desire to spread the AUP ideas throughout the sector for the betterment of all.  With this victory, the AUP are now seen by many as a viable threat to the established political parties in the region.

Representatives from the Green Glasses Party (GGP) were slow to respond, but it was confirmed that their candidate for Governor, Zynra Rin, did reach out to Munch to admit defeat and wish them the best for their term. Others from the GGP were not as polite. One protester at the event met with reporters, yelling, ‘The AUP’s policies are reckless and irresponsible. They are jeopardizing the stability of our economy and putting our citizens at risk.’ The protester later spouted off unproven theories that the election was fraudulent.

In a separate, completely unrelated note, Magistrate of the South Siejo Kutol will be on a religious sabbatical for the next 6 weeks. Duties of the Magistrate will fall onto newly elected BD-1237. No further details have been provided