Year 26, Day 102
This week the SecGen of the Endor Pact, Magistrate Siejo Kutol announced a month long leave away from his usual busy day-to-day tasks. Citing the need for spiritual reflection, by visiting all the taverns on Tar Morden III, to connect with himself, the Magistrate of the South packed his bags, hugged his family, kissed the Head of State goodbye and trotted off into the sunset knowing he would not be seen again for at least a month.
How did the galaxy respond to the news of this? The very next day, the galaxy responded by resuming production of Super Capital warships. These bastions of technology, the height of military power have not been produced in over a decade. Some have called this mere coincidence, saying it was just poor timing on the part of the SecGen, others however are claiming that this is all connected, that fate or some mystical power reacted with Siejo’s absence by encouraging the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance to resume rebuilding the vast weapons of war that dominated galactic politics of the past.
Since the news of both the SecGens absence and the resumption of Super Capital warship production, citizens in the southern half of the Confederacy have been out in the streets weeping, mothers have been seen rocking back and forth crying over the fate of their children and whether or not the SecGen’s absence means a temporary halt to their welfare payments, some are wishing the Magistrate would return so that the galaxy would right this wrong and somehow these ships would stop mid-production. Leaders around the galaxy have convened emergency meetings to discuss the potential impact this will have on them. However news from the northern parts of the Confederacy have been less forthcoming, with reports of censorship and media blackouts in response to the changing political landscape.
As governments come to terms with their meagre existence in the darkness of space, at least one person is found to be enjoying himself, having been found attending a local festival, Siejo Kutol seems to be quite pleased with the timing of his vacation. He declined an interview, citing the recent droid election and that all queries should be directed to the new droid governor before skipping off into the crowd and getting some more alcohol to drink.
Will Siejo ever return? Who will bring balance back to the force? Will there be a job opening for a new member of the Triumvirate before the week is out? Stay tuned for more news on the Shadowfeed!