Year 24 Day 326 – Koda System
This week reports have emerged that the Head of State, Dex Sehrin has gone missing. According to officials wishing to remain anonymous, Head of State Sehrin has been missing for a few weeks.
Dex Sehrin was appointed Head of State in Year 22 and has led the Confederacy from strength to strength through the economic development of the CIS territories and its growth in various industries such as ships, droids and most recently air fryers.

Something was suspected to be off when the Lucrehulk Cyclopsis, frequently captained by the Head of State, was noted to have not moved from the orbit of Tar Morden in several cycles. A brief security sweep found the command deck empty and Commanding Officers Quarters in disarray and abandoned.
With no known information on his whereabouts, government officials have been employing intelligence bureaus to locate the missing leader of the Confederacy. Behind the close doors of Separatist Council, anonymous reports suggest pure chaos erupting.
When pressed for comment, the Triumvirate did not show any concern for their missing leader. “Dex has gone missing?! Since when?” Quoted Truse’vala’ilone, Magistrate of the North. Other members of the Council mimicked this sentiment.
All is not lost. There have been long standing rumors that Super Battle Droids exist to replace members of the Triumvirate and, if the gossip is to be believed, exist to function as their replacements in an emergency.

After the initial reports, further investigation found Siejo Kutol, Magistrate of the South, working in the Koda System. Security recordings show Siejo working along with someone that looked like the Head of State, but was in fact the rumored Super Battle Dex, a Super Battle Droid with Mr. Sehrin’s face on it. When approached for comment, In a baritone, robotic voice, Super Battle Dex dismissed the rumors. “ These rumors are false. I am here as the official Head of State Business. Someone has to make sure Chairman Kutol doesn’t purchase more Subjugators.”
Reports suggest that Super Battle Dex is operating at optimal capacity and has not had a leave of absence since taking office, something the real Head of State cannot claim to have done. Does this spell the end of the Triumvirate as it currently exists? Will all officials be replaced by optimal Super Battle Droids? Only time will tell, in the meantime, stay tuned for more updates as this story unfolds.