eXiles No More

Ord Radama, Year 23 Day 111

In an unexpected turn of events, the control of the Esstran Sector to be ceded from the Trade Federation to the eXiles Corporation.

Jesse Wiwa and Gruto Tillie during an informal meeting

A reliable source told this reporter that a simple task started a chain of events with the aforementioned conclusion: It all began when the Confederacy of Independent Systems asked for the eXiles help with the evacuation of several thousand fighters that were located in the planet now controlled by the Trade Federation. The Sector had recently seceded from the Separatist Government to focus on their own, local governance. The Trade Federation had agreed to help with this process.

During the evacuation operation, led by eXiles partner Jesse Wiwa, there were several informal meetings with the Devlikk (natives of Ord Radama) over a cup of ale. While talking with the Devlikk leader Gruto Tillie, Miss Wiwa explained the benefit of asteroid mining and production in space, and how it prevents pollution in what should be beautiful planets such as Ord Radama.

“When the Confederacy came to Ord Radama, we were very happy about all the jobs created in their factories and mines. ” Gruto Tillie was quoted as saying. “That said, I think the CIS leaders were a bit over enthusiastic about industrialization, now we have too many! Sadly, our only ocean were beginning to show pollution issues caused by aggressive ship production. I thought to myself, ‘maybe we should listen to the eXiles and try taking some of the industry out of the planet’. Discussions progressed from there.”

eXiles Find a Home in the Former Confederate Sector

Since then, there has been a growing movement amongst the Devlikk to give the eXiles Corporation a shot at trying to restore a bit the balance between industry and environment. This didn’t pass unnoticed to the Trade Federation. Viceroy Jacob Jansen consulted about the situation with Confederacy of Independent Systems Chairman Siejo Kutol. Mr. Kutol has been a friend / ally to the eXiles for a decade and voiced no doubts about the capabilities of the group regarding planetary development. This positive opinion was enough for Mr. Jansen to be willing to cede control seeking the general benefit of the planet’s inhabitants. 

“With the new advancements in planetary control technology, we’ll make sure we keep this one for good”, said a relieved Han Daragon, eXiles Senior Partner. The power transition pact is expected to be signed in brief and the Corporation should begin operating in the Sector shortly afterwards.