A Dalliance on the Kampar’s Wisdom

Taldar Logas Caught In Romantic Affair!

Volume 6 – Year 24

Not even retirement from the Confederate Triumvirate can stave off the deluge of scandals engulfing its members, both former and present. So, hold onto your cranial accessories, sentients! Our noble editorial has the scoop of a lifetime for you. According to one of CIS Gossip’s trustworthy and reliable sources, former Triumvirate councillor Talder Logas was spotted with a young blonde from Serenno aboard his Ardent-class frigate Kampar’s Wisdom. What might have been the purpose of this mysterious woman’s visit to Talder’s ship? Our answer will shock you!

After losing his seat to the unseemly and dictatorial ambitions of Magistrate Sevala in a brutal game of chance, Taldar Logas had hid himself from the public eye to no doubt evade the scrutiny of his actions – or rather his appalling inaction against the rampant corruption present in the Confederacy’s government – during his term of office as the Magistrate of the North. Yet, not even lurking within the murky bowels of his frigate is he safe from the all-seeing eyes of our undaunted editorial.

According to our source who was embedded on the Kampar’s Wisdom, Taldar Logas has recently received a youthful female Human aboard his ship, with the unexpected visitation having every indication of being wholly romantic in nature. The woman – who our team of reporters identified as a native from Serenno named Rannah Lecyllath – had reportedly spent only one evening aboard Talder’s Ardent, but our source reveals that was enough to confirm the purpose behind her visit without a shadow of a doubt. Our reporter – whose specialisation as a droid programmer is entirely incidental – has spoken with the Battle Droid in question who broke us the story.

“I saw them canoodling with one another!” exclaimed the BD unit upon seeing our reporter, and whose designation was kept anonymous out of fear of unjust retaliation by the powers that be. “I even readjusted my photoreceptors to be sure of what I saw, and my inner wiring twisted into knots when I saw what those two organics were doing to each other. Their oral cavities were pressed onto one another and they were exchanging their bodily fluids, it was disgusting! I’m traumatised for the rest of my functionality. Not even a memory wipe helped to clear that image from my processors!”

While any recorded visuals were unfortunately lost in the memory wipe the BD unit mentioned, its testimony leaves no room for interpretation what really transpired that fateful evening that Miss Lecyllath boarded the Kampar’s Wisdom. With infallible proof in hand, our noble reporters approached the guilty parties involved.

“These insinuations that Magistrate Emeritus Logas had any romantic entanglements with this young lady are entirely fabricated,” said the spokesperson for Taldar Logas upon hearing our completely unfabricated findings. “Miss Lecyllath had indeed visited Mister Logas aboard the Kampar’s Wisdom, but the nature of their meeting was entirely innocent. The lady had requested her potential in the Force to be assessed and Mister Logas happily provided his assistance to a new citizen of the Confederacy. We resent the implication that the nature of their meeting was anything other than strictly professional.”

As expected, this denial was dutifully echoed by Miss Lecyllath herself. “Really, these rumours are preposterous. I merely met with former Magistrate Logas after I was directed to him for assessment of my potential in the Force. The entirety of the meeting was strictly business.” Yet, can this obviously overly rehearsed statement be believed? Not according to our reporter who interviewed Miss Lecyllath. According to him, he felt constantly ogled by the woman from Serenno, and he claims she even propositioned him to be interviewed in the privacy of her accommodations for that night. Clearly, Miss Lecyllath is a ruthless seductress bent on wooing her way through trouble and scrutiny, and up the Confederacy’s ladder of power and influence, with her blatant dalliance seemingly being sanctioned by the current authorities.

This leaves the troubling question of how many of the Confederacy’s current leaders have gained their positions of power by employing the same strategy Miss Lecyllath has attempted with Taldar Logas, or have become a victim of it. Is Magistrate Kutol’s marriage truly borne out of love, or is Allana Kutol the true master puppeteer pulling the strings of her husband and the rest of the Confederate Triumvirate? Did Dex Sehrin ascend to his position as Head of State by sleeping his way up the top? Who are the lovers sleeping in Magistrate Sevala’s bedchamber, whispering their own nefarious agendas into the Chiss’ ears? While our noble editorial has no answers to those disturbing questions, the actions and scandals perpetually surrounding these shadowy and untrustworthy figures at the top of our government suggest nothing good.

Stay tuned for further developments regarding the scandalous affair between Logas and Lecyllath, and the plethora of scandals seemingly being attached to the Confederate Triumvirate as if by a tractor beam.