Super Battle Error?

Year 24 Day 356

Panic ensued across the Southern Confederate States after the Head of State (HoS) was again declared missing last week.  Dex Sehrin, Head of State and Leader of the Confederate Government, was reported missing on Day 326 after the ship under his command, the Lucrehulk Cyclosis, sat idle over Tar Morden for over a week.  

Investigations into this incident saw the HoS turn up further south in the Koda System, working closely with the Southern Magistrate Siejo Kutol. Some conspiracy theorists claimed that the figure identified as the HoS was actually something quite different, a prototype droid meant to stand in for the leadership upon their absence.  While the reports were never confirmed, several members of the Leadership did raise concerns about the Super Battle Dex and its efficacy during Dex Sehrin’s “absence”.

Things appeared to settle down over the following week, with multiple sightings of the Super Battle Dex in Tar Morden.  However, last week when the HoS missed a scheduled check in on Tar Morden IV concerns quickly grew.  Some worried about a glitch in the operating system of the Super Battle Dex or even a terminal cascade system failure. The next day, the Siejo Kutol was sighted in Tar Morden and some had feared the worst.  

After 5 days, the Lucrehulk Leeroy was sighted in Hassaria and the HoS was confirmed to have checked in with a local Golan. While gathering a rather sizable load of Ardanium, a local Hassarian Leader paid a visit to the HoS, wanting to thank him for the unexpected visit and welcome the Leader to an impromptu festival to be thrown in his honor. Unfortunately, the HoS had to decline as there was a schedule to keep.  When asked about the impromptu visit, the HoS reportedly made a comment about an error in the summary view of his inventory management system. After another 5 days, the Leeroy was back in Tar Morden and back on schedule. 

This is not the only potential “glitch” seen from leadership over the last month. One financial watchdog group based in the Sarrish System noted on their blog on what appeared to be a double payout of taxes this past week, Authorized by the office of the Magistrate of the South. 

The concern from local leadership seems to be real.  Many in Tar Morden wonder about the legitimacy of the proposed fail safe contingency plan for the CIS with the Super Battle Triumvirate. Only time will tell if this is a mistake, but an alternative plan may need to be considered.