Wisps of War? Separatists threaten to secede from Separatists!

Volume 3 – Year 25

In a surprising turn of events, the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) has expanded its territory by claiming the Harron Sector. This strategic move has sparked a debate over the governance of the newly acquired sector, which lies at the heart of the galaxy. The CIS, traditionally divided into northern and southern jurisdictions led by respective magistrates, now faces a dilemma. The Harron Sector’s central location challenges the existing boundaries of authority.

As the CIS consolidates its hold on the Harron Sector, the question of jurisdiction between the Magistrate of the North and the Magistrate of the South remains unresolved. The galactic coordinate (x,0) is commonly accepted as a theoretical dividing line, but the Telkjon System sits directly on the horizontal axis at (150, 0). One unnamed leader suggested the creation of the office of Magistrate of the Middle, and potentially turning oversight of the Harron Sector and neighboring Morobe Sector to them, but this was quickly dismissed. 

The Magistrate of the North, Truse’vala’ilone, has made a bold public declaration, declaring the sector as their jurisdiction as “most” of the sector lies above the (x,0) line. Meanwhile, the Magistrate of the South, Siejo Kutol, claims the system as their jurisdiction, as they reportedly made the push to try to acquire said sector.  The Magistrate of the North reportedly was not amused, expressing the potential option to transform the Thesme Sector into a Kingdom, and even leave the Confederacy.

This unprecedented statement has raised eyebrows across the galaxy, as it deviates from the CIS’s usual administrative practices. The Magistrate’s vision for a Kingdom in the Thesme Sector suggests a shift towards a more centralized and possibly monarchical system of governance within the CIS territories. Officially, the current monarchy in the Confederacy, the Kingdom of Morobe and Vorsia Companion, had no comment other then to refute the idea of a Magistrate of the Middle.

If this situation does not correct itself, we could witness a further separation between the Northern and Southern Separatist States.  Traditionally, the temperature between the two halves of the government has not been great, not since the Green Glasses Party rose up out of the Hassaria System in the south to challenge the Red Glasses Party in the north. 

For now, the eyes of the galaxy are on the CIS, awaiting the next move in this interstellar game of power and governance.